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Seattle Limo Rates
From & to Sea-Tac: | Price | From & to Sea-Tac: | Price | From & To Sea-Tac: | Price |
Aberdeen | 220 | Kirkland | $50-55 | Purdy | 85 |
Algona | 60 | Lacey | 115 | Puyallup | 65 |
Anacortes | 210 | Lake Chelan | 470 | Queen Ann | 45 |
Arlington | 135 | Lake City | 55 | Rainier | 190 |
Auburn | $50-60 | Lake Forest Park | 60 | Ravenna | 55 |
Aurora Village | 65 | Lake Stevens | 120 | Redmond | $55-65 |
Ballard | $45-55 | Lake Tapps | 70 | Renton | 45 |
Bangor | 145 | Lake Union | 45 | Richmond Beach | 60 |
Bellevue | $45-50 | Lake View | 55 | Richmond Highlands | 60 |
Bellingham | 230 | Lakewood | 70 | Sahalee | 60 |
Bitter Lake | 60 | Lauralhurst | 50 | Salish Lodge | 80 |
Black Diamond | $65-75 | Leachi | 45 | Sammamish | $55-65 |
Blaine | 270 | Longview | 240 | Sand Point | 50 |
Blue Ridge | 55 | Lynnwood | 80 | Seattle | 45 |
Boonny Lake | $75-85 | Madigan | $50-65 | Sequim | 255 |
Bothell | 60-65 | Madison Park | 45 | Shelton | 160 |
Bow | 190 | Magnolia | 45 | Shilshole Bay | 50 |
Bremerton | 140 | Maple Valley | 50 | Shoreline | 60 |
Buckley | $75-90 | Maplewood | $40-45 | Silverdale | 150 |
Burlington | 190 | Medina | 50 | Snohomish | $90-120 |
Capitol Hill | 45 | Mercer Island | 50 | Snoq. City | 85 |
Centralia | 170 | Merysville | $120-140 | Snoq. Pass | 100 |
Chehalls | 180 | Mill Creek | $75-85 | Somerset | 45 |
Clyde Hill | 50 | Milton | 55 | South Bend | 240 |
Coal Creek | 45 | Monroe | $90-100 | Spanaway | 80 |
Cougar Mtn. | 370 | Mount Vernon | 170 | Spokane | 600 |
Covington | $55-60 | Mountlake | 45 | Stanwood | 150 |
Discovery Bay | $220-240 | Mountlake Terrace | $60-65 | Steilcoom | 85 |
Duvall | 120 | Mukilteo | 100 | Summit (4 Crnrs) | 45 |
Edmonds | 75 | Nava Air Stn | 180 | Sumner | 65 |
Enumclaw | $65-75 | Newport Hills | 45 | Tacoma | $50-60 |
Everett | $85-95 | North Beach | 60 | Totem Lake | 60 |
Fairwood | 45 | North Bend | 100 | Tulalip | 110 |
Fall City | $80-90 | Northgate | 55 | Tumwater | 110 |
Federal Way | $45-50 | Oak Harbor | $230+ Ferry | Univ. District | 50 |
Femdale | 160 | Olympia | 120 | Univ. Place | 55 |
Fife | 45 | Orting | 70 | Univ. Pudget Snd | 50 |
Fircrest | 55 | Pac. Lut. Unit | 65 | Vancouver B. C. | 360 |
Fort Lewis | 70 | Pacific | 260 | Vancouver WA | 360 |
Fremont | 45 | Parkland | 70 | View Ridge | 55 |
Gig Harbor | 100 | Pasco | 490 | Walla Walla | 570 |
Gorst | 130 | Port Angeles | $270+ Ferry | Wallingford | $45-50 |
Graham | 80 | Port Ludlow | 160 | Wedgewood | $55-60 |
Green Lake | 55 | Port Orchard | 85 | Wenatche | 320 |
Greenwood | 55 | Port Townsend | $225+ Ferry | West Seattle | $45-50 |
Inglewood | $65-70 | Portage Bay | 45 | Windermere | 50 |
Issaquah | $60-70 | Portland | 360 | Woodinville | $65-75 |
Juanita | 55 | Poulsbo | $120+ Ferry | Woodland Park | 55 |
Kenmore | 65 | Pug. Snd. Nvl. Syd. | 100 | | |
Kent | 40 | Pullman | 600 | | |